Developing your skills and knowledge
In this strand you are expected to broaden and deepen your understanding of topics related to STEMM, including learning new skills that are beyond the national curriculum. The aim of this strand is to enhance your learning at school or college and help to prepare you for studying STEMM subjects in further and higher education. By undertaking activities in this strand, you will be able to explore areas that interest you and evidence your commitment and enthusiasm to extend beyond the curriculum.The requirements
You must complete at least 10 hours of skill development over the course of the award.
You must attend at least two STEMM related events involving the sharing of knowledge or the development of skills.
You must be able to demonstrate an extension or development of a skill or knowledge area.
This must take place over the course of the award and clear progression should be evident.
You should make sure you record evidence wherever possible to demonstrate the progression you have made.
You must complete at least 20 hours of skill development over the course of the award.
You must attend at least three STEMM-related events involving the sharing of knowledge or the development of skills at a minimum of two venues.
You must be able to demonstrate an extension or development of a skill or knowledge area.
You should produce a research project.
You should make sure you record evidence wherever possible to demonstrate the progression you have made.
You must complete at least 45 hours of skill development over the course of the award.
You must attend at least two STEMM related events involving the sharing of knowledge or the development of skills.
You must be able to demonstrate an extension or development of a skill or knowledge area.
This must produce a poster in a ‘scientific style’ of your new learning.
You can only use a maximum of 20 hours from the preparation of your EPQ towards this strand.
You must be doing at least one STEMM Level 3 qualification.
Example activities
You could take part in an after-school club

You could undertake an additional STEMM qualification outside of the normal in-school provision – this must be delivered outside of normal curriculum time.

You could watch, listen to or read educational STEMM-related content, such as the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures, science podcasts or the Young Scientists Journal.

You could take part in a scheme like The Brilliant Club or Sutton Scholars – but your work must relate to STEMM in some way.

You could have a zoom conversation with a STEMM professional.

You could produce a research report on a particular topic.

You could stream a virtual lecture on a STEMM topic.

You could visit a science museum or other organisation that uses STEMM, such as a research centre.