Engaging the public
In this strand you are expected to communicate STEMM-related topics to the public, which includes families and people of all ages in and outside of school or college. The aim of this strand is for you to help engage the public with STEMM through communicating ideas and conversations to boost interest and increase understanding of STEMM in the wider population which is of great benefit to society in general. By undertaking activities in this strand, you will build your confidence, skills and experience of many areas including key communication skills such as public speaking and writing to engage an audience.The requirements
You must complete at least 10 hours of contact over the course of the award.
You must be involved in at least two different events.
These events must be in at least two different settings (one can be in your own school).
You should be able to demonstrate the use of digital technology in how you engage with others, for example using social media or by creating videos.
Example activities
You could create an information stand for a school event.

You could start or contribute to a social media account relating to STEMM.

You could plan an event relating to STEMM, either at school or another location.

You could work with other schools in the area to put a joint debate or discussion together.

You could write an article for the school newspaper or another publication.

You could produce a short video about a STEMM-realted topic.

You could visit an organisation (like a residential home) and present on a STEMM area you feel passionately about.