Shaping your future
In this strand you are expected to focus on careers and further training and find out about the variety of different jobs that involve STEMM. The aim of this strand is for you to investigate where studying STEMM subjects could lead you to help shape your future career options and decide on the next steps in your journey. By undertaking activities in this strand, you will be encouraged to explore areas that you may already have an interest in as well as explore areas you may not have previously considered.The requirements
You must undertake 15 hours of activities in this section.
A maximum of 10 hours can be counted from an individual activity such as work experience.
A minimum of 8 hours must be specifically linked to careers in STEMM sectors.
You must show evidence of having explored careers in more than one STEMM sector.
The remainder of the hours can be made up of general career guidance and personal development.
You must undertake 30 hours of activities in this section.
A maximum of 20 hours can be counted from an individual activity such as work experience.
A minimum of 15 hours must be specifically linked to careers in STEMM sectors.
You must show evidence of having explored at least three careers in more than one STEMM sector.
The remainder of the hours can be made up of general career guidance and personal development.
You must undertake 45 hours of activities in this section.
A maximum of 25 hours can be counted from an individual activity such as work experience.
A minimum of 25 hours must be specifically linked to careers in STEMM sectors.
You must show evidence of having explored careers in more than one STEMM sector.
You must identify one specific thread to explore.
The remainder of the hours can be made up of general career guidance and personal development.
You must undertake work shadowing or work experience in a STEMM-related area.
You must interview a STEMM professional and produce an article on it.
Example activities
You could attend a conference and meet with STEMM professionals (for example the John Innes Centre ‘Women of the Future’ event).

You could complete an application for a STEMM-related course or qualification e.g. STEMM A-Levels at 6th Form College.

You could receive mentoring in interview skills or how to write a good application.

You could research a STEMM-related career to find out what the job involves and what qualifications are required

You could do some work shadowing or work experience in a STEMM-related career.

You could spend time with a mentor re-drafting a letter or application.

You could meet with a Careers Guidance Advisor.

You could attend a Careers Fair.