Just a day in the life of a Youth STEMM Awarder!

Posted by Christy | Wed, 19 Apr 2017

Visit to Hunstanton Primary on British science week

On 16th March 2017 the year 9 students of Smithdon High School who are taking part in the Youth STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths and Medicine) Award went to Hunstanton Primary on the occasion of British Science Week. British Science Week is a ten-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths featuring fascinating, entertaining and engaging events and activities across the UK for people of all ages.

The year 9 students of Smithdon High School got to organise and host some fun activities for the year three students of Hunstanton Primary. Every year the British Science Association chooses a theme for these activities and events.This year the chosen theme of the British Association was ‘Change’. All the activities that were conducted for the year three were all based on the topic ‘Change’. From the activities that were conducted, the children of Hunstanton Primary got to learn about a lot of things that they didn’t know before. These included what density is and what changes density,  how we see things change, how can speed change, how patterns change and a lot more.

All the children who participated in the event performed each activity very well and said that they all liked it very much. At the very end the year 9 students of Smithdon High School distributed stationary to the year three children based on the  activity that they performed the best in.

Author Biography

Christy is a year 9 student from Smithdon High School who is currently taking part in the Bronze Youth STEMM Award. Her main interests are Media, Medicine and Maths.

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