Posted by Conscious Consumers | Fri, 22 Oct 2021

Conscious Consumer Project

Youth STEMM Award have teamed up with the Food and Farming Discovery Trust and the SAW Trust to create a new series of workshops for teens.

The Conscious Consumers Project enables young people to explore topical issues that span the boundaries of agriculture, food, health and society. The workshops focus on three topics; climate change, animal welfare and rewilding. We invite young people to use the resources to consider what it means to be a conscious consumer and think about how the choices we make everyday impact on the environment and our wellbeing.

The workshops are free to download and can be completed as part of a group at school or college or independently at home. Time spent on the resources can count towards a Youth STEMM Award – to find out more or register your interest click here.

“We all have to make choices, particularly around the food we eat and our choices as consumers really do have the power to shape the world we live in. We hope the Conscious Consumers project will help young people feel more confident to evaluate claims made about topical issues and make informed decisions about their own life choices.” Dr Jenni Rant, The SAW Trust.

Download the resources:

Climate Change

Climate Change Powerpoint

Climate Change Workbook

Climate Change Teacher Briefing Notes

Animal Welfare

Animal Welfare Powerpoint

Animal Welfare Workbook

Animal Welfare Teacher Briefing Notes


Rewilding Powerpoint

Rewilding Workbook

Rewilding Teacher Briefing Notes

We will be adding our full range of topics soon, so check back then for another three great packs on Personalised Nutrition, Food Miles and Plant-based Diets.

Thanks to The Chadacre Agricultural Trust for funding the work, and to all those who contributed including the Holkham Estate, Gail Sprake (Rare Breeds Survival Trust), Mark Robertson (RSPCA Farm Assured) and Adam & Henry Driver (Driver Farms)

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